Sunday 17 July 2011

Welcome to our Blog!

PANDA Couriers ... is YOUR solution ... and we ALWAYS deliver!

In this post you will find:

(A)Where is PC based?
(B)Our guarantee
(C)The way we calculate a quote
(D)Additional costs
(F)Our commitment

PANDA Couriers is a (A)Portsmouth based transport enterprise providing express same day and overnight nation wide and European collection and delivery solutions for companies and individuals.
You will find an established reputation, reliability and a guaranteed(B)delivery service every time when you use PANDA Couriers.
With our commitment to customer care and our nation wide alliance with trusted suppliers, our management will provide you with the most efficient solution to your collection & delivery requests.
How are quotations calculated?
(C)Quotes are derived from postcode to postcode using mileage obtained electronically. We use the quickest route, not necessarily the shortest. Payment is charged on loaded mileage only, wait and return journeys are discounted.(D)Tolls, ferries and London Congestion Charge are additional if applicable. We deliver your goods on the quickest possible way from A to B. It is of high importance that our vehicles are dedicated to a single customer at any one time. We therefor offer the fastest solution between destinations, dependent upon traffic and weather conditions only.
We are committed to provide our customers with the(E)highest security through relevant business insurance like GIT (Goods in Transit) or PL (Public Liability) cover.
PANDA Couriers has grown its business through being reliable and competitive at all times. We are(F)committed to providing a quality service that’s both fast and reliable meeting your collection and delivery requirements on time, every time.